Chop Wood, Carry Wood

I’ve been working on a small farm getting fit and learning practical skills, I realized my world of “chop emails, carry internet” is about to disappear. I know stuff now. If the ash comes with green leaves before the oak it will be a wet summer. Baby steps.

I’m planting 200 Jasmine plants for a bloke, if you steam the flowers and make an essence from them it is stronger than valium. Staying calm in a crisis is important for people.

I’m buying a gypsy caravan and a horse to sell cheese at the roadside. I’m thinking of calling it “Cheeses of Nazareth.” I figured how to sell cheese less than the big supermarkets – should be a big hit.

I’ve got a picture of Jesus with the lamb and the lion at his feet with his arm outstretched offering a nice, inexpensive, plump, round cheese. It’s all in the marketing I reckon, the kids can play with the cart horse while the mums and dads are shelling out for the cheese.

I’m getting hundreds of obscure medicinal herbs planted for when the pharmacies shut. So I can sell cheese and dish free pills to the sick and needy.

Most pain is fired at humans by the ghouls; we can watch the evil spirits doing it and then some pain is intrinsic, like a broken leg say. Intrinsic pain is quite rare most of the pain in the world is ghoul-pain.

I decided to enact a new law in the Aluna Mirror-World,

the “No-More-Pain-Law”. I saw the Queen of England in there so I asked her to sign my documents—to ratify it so to speak. She refused saying she did not know me. I said to her “Listen up yer Mag’; you’re into homeopathy and natural healing and I’m into the same, ridding the world of ghoul-pain and dishing herbals, please sign.”

She still refused, so I said in a soft Sicilian whisper “I’m going to count to three your Majesty and if you still don’t want to sign my new law, I’ll knock yer effin’ teeth out.

In this simple way, yer Mag’ I hope to demonstrate in a practical way how getting rid of pain might be jolly useful.”

She was sitting at the table at the time, she looked up sheepishly at me and said, “Have you got a pen?”

And that dear readers is how the “No-More-Pain-Law” got enacted into legislation in the Alana spirit worlds. I’m learning about stuff like politics and so on. It’s all a curve.

If you have been to the Ayahuasca you’ll have a lot of DMT in your pineal and you’ll see visions and the ghouls, so you will know where they are firing the pain from, if you can’t see never mind, you can still knock ‘em down.

Say there is a mystery pain in your elbow, the ghoul firing it will be about 18 inches off your arm, so turn and dry spit at it making a “p-choo” sound, imagine you are firing purple mist at it. A lot of the ghouls are very old—some come from Sumerian times 4000 years ago—many can’t read, so the new “No-More-Pain-Law” will have to become common knowledge in the ghouls’ world by the force of spit.

All’s well in the Shire, (Stuie Wilde—Bagend)

© Stuart Wilde 2010


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >