The White Horse Again

The White Horse from Revelation has a rider with a bow and two arrows. We see the horse and sometimes the rider who is bare-chested in the Aluna, they symbolize the two Gaia hits that we have been expecting.

No one knows what the hits are, probably a meteor from outer space, or it may be a flare up of sun spots that take out the world’s satellite communications.

Years ago I saw a vision of a butterfly land on the back of a military tank that was moving through a desert area; the tank flipped over onto its roof. I took that to mean a peaceful end to war brought about maybe by the end of modern communication systems.

The White Horse appeared again last night. It was twisting left and right as if it was dancing with glee and next to it was a fast-moving grey mass that definitely looked like an asteroid. Eek!

People say it will rub out New York. I’ve told all my SW “A” list people many times over “Get out of NY” hits or no hits–very unsafe.

It is hard to triangulate exact times when watching things in the Aluna Mirror-Worlds as the visions exist in a timeless hyperspace, one needs a cross-reference to put events exactly on a certain spot on a timeline, and that cross reference is often not there.

The Golden Radiant Beings that we see that seem to us to be driving the bus so to speak when it comes to the fate of the world are very edgy about October-November time this year 2009 (see previous article Gold Rush).

So maybe the hits are this fall. (sw)


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >