Poor George

The Sacred Beings that run the show deep inside the Aluna Mirror world usually communicate via pictures. I’ve seen tens of thousands of videos with instructions that tell me do this, set up that, invest in those people, go here and go there. Please ask this one to go to Africa and that one should go to Canada. The tasks are fairly endless and it has been getting more and more as things become more intense.

I saw a vision that told me to get rid of George of the ‘Talking To George’ fame here. I was so sad I couldn’t write a thing for a few days. I miss George.

The problem was that George came so alive with words and pictures that people actually believed he was a real person just as tourists go to Baker Street in London looking for the home of Sherlock Holmes.

And some even people thought George was me he wasn’t. He was a fictional composite of a number of zany villains I knew at a pub called The Water Rat back in the late 70s that kind of doubles up for the Dog and Duck in my stories.

Sad but true George is gawn…

People can’t really take real life they need the lilac cheesy version though my readers are used to the real McCoy, but it was the others that came on the SWblog site that the Beings were concerned about. Anyway orders is orders and in the very end I’m a soldier and I do what I am told. Sorry. (sw)


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >