Censorship ….

I’ve been censored a lot in recent times. An editor called Tania from a New Age Mag’ in England called Kindred Spirit

Kindred Spit-it, Devon, England booked an interview with me then she called it off a few hours before the due time saying there was something in my book Grace Gaia and the End of Days she did not like—tee hee.

I asked Tania if she ever interviewed people she did not agree with she said she did but she said she had to protect her readers and she wasn’t going to allow them to read Stuie Wilde.

I felt her censorship was a really pompous, she was so angry there was no discussion to be had. The Nanny State mentality has arrived all the way down to the New Age, which it seems suffers from the Fat Controllers just like anywhere else.

Two video channels recently deleted a prayer I did called, The Hand that I made with Richard Tyler

they said it express hatred. One channel (see below) warned us about mounting pornographic material, stuff like:

“Most blessed is the hand out-stretched in friendship, most blessed is the hand that toils for our food.” Very pornographic indeed!

I would get very sad if it were not the fact I can see the end. The Dies Irae is upon us…but first we had to kill the Aluna ghouls that were stopping it happening…we have done that millions upon tens of millions died. I’ll write about it soon. (sw)

Here Below is what the two video channels wrote about The Hand…

From Revver Blog….

The Hand (Tyler & Wilde)” was rejected because our reviewers found it to be in violation of the Revver Member Agreement, which prohibits users from uploading hateful content. For more info on content upload guidelines, please review this section of our Member Agreement.

If you have any questions or feel this video has been rejected in error, please respond to this email.

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From ‘Live Video’ Channel

Your media, “The Hand (Tyler & Wilde)”, has been deleted for the following reason:


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Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >