Where Were We Before We Forgot?

Where were we before we forgot? Nestled deep inside the womb of our cosmic mother, no doubt. It was safe there, but we had to leave or she would have died in child-birth.To be sent away is bad enough; to forget where our home is, is rather tragic. At night I listened for our mother’s voice and sometimes I imagined I heard her calling to me from a distant star. I’d hear her singing lullabies to her next child.
Perhaps that brother or sister of ours will remember where we came from. Perhaps he or she will tell us, the lost children of the cosmos.
Decades later, after these thoughts passed through my mind, I met our cosmic sister and I asked her, where are we from? She showed me a birthmark on her left shoulder. It reminded me of a constellation seen prominently just before dawn in the antipodean, summer sky.
I kissed her affectionately as a brother might, and I wished her God’s speed on her journey, and just as she made to walk away, she turned and smiled and she rolled up my shirt. On the underside of my right shoulder blade was the mark of another constellation seen prominently in the northern winter sky. I’d never noticed it before.
© 2012 — Stuart Wilde.