Inner Warmth

I’ve noticed in teaching people (lots of them) that those that are very cold and heartless usually always think they are very nice. The archetypal Mr. Nice Guy may have a lot of disdain and silent hatred and elitism in his heart but he ignores that and goes through his people-pleasing routine as a methodology of survival and winning acceptance, and of course he does it for his own acclaim. He doesn’t see how rotten his soul is or how doomed he is.

In the piece I wrote for recently on the collective karma, I said to avoid being swept up in events out of your control you have to go to the opposite feelings than those held by the mass of people around you. So in a country that advocates war, vengeance, greed and elitism, one would take to sweetness and peace and acceptance of others as an act of contradicting the national karma.

To become genuinely warm is to become evermore safe. For cold heartless people become infested by ghouls and etheric entities they can’t see and those dark beings capture their soul over a long period of time; also they create listlessness and disease and dark paranoiac concerns and other mental problems. But most of all coldness pulls to one the same matching nastiness that is in the collective mindset. So there is a great danger in the immediate vicinity.

At a recent seminar event I taught, I noticed that many people had little black, fast-moving worms that looked like thin black slivers that existed in their etheric around their neck and skull. The black lines flew out a few inches from the body then they returned to the person’s force field, and then a while later they made another sortie, like UFOs leaving a mother-ship. It was fascinating to watch.

Other people that can see the Morph have also seen the same black worm-like slithers coming out of people’s mouths and flying back in and some people have a long black tongue that is thick and about six to eight inches long, like an eel. It’s rather scary I have been told as when the black tongue comes out one doesn’t expect it. It makes one jump.

I asked the Aluna beings that help me sometimes how to get rid of these black entities around people, and they said a shaman or an etheric healer can remove them but the dark etheric beings that live in people’s energy field will always return if a person is cruel or cold, or if they have arrogance or silent hatred in their heart.

It made me wonder how many human diseases are caused by these black etheric beings as they seem really ugly and dangerous, and I wondered how much the coldness of one’s heart pulls to one ghoulish entities that eventually make one really sick. There is much to learn. I can’t wait to find out more.

To change is easy – you just have to evaluate the level of your disdain and coldness toward humanity and animals, and if that egocentric frozen heart is not part of your mind and your soul then you are safe and protection will come to you, but if it is a part of your outlook on life then you are not safe and you can make a point of fixing it.

© Stuart Wilde – 2007


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >