2006 Year End Updates

GPS Satellites

A while ago I saw a strange and beautiful vision of tanks in the desert, it looked to me like Iraq, and in the mini-video clip that I saw in my mind’s eye, a butterfly flew into the scene and it landed at the rear of a tank, which then flipped over backwards on to its roof. I had a feeling there would be a catastrophic failure of global satellite control systems, I’ve seen the same vision several times now. This is also linked to television systems.

Morph TV

Television like the GPS system is vulnerable and I’ve v seen loads of visions (fifty perhaps) of the television system failing for a few days or a week each time, and other visions of how the broadcast signal is liable to be hacked and how the official Grand Lies are vulnerable to contradiction.

The TV system is very much a part of our human shadow made manifest (externalized) in the sitting room for us to watch. Of course, people don’t usually link the evil we see on telly with the evil inside of us. The cold, silent disdain we have for other humans is the same cold arrogance and disdain our leaders have for ethnic groups they don’t approve of that they want to bomb.

The fat potentate on a fancy chair in a gilded room, meeting with other important potentates, is very much our ego going about day-to-day seeking observers, cloaked in the raiment of its importance. It is all a shadow play, and how you redeem yourself is you wake to the shadow within and incorporate it in your life. So you become both light and dark.


The Diana visions have been quiet for a while and Lord Stevens’ enquiry into the death came out as another whitewash for the authorities, so that was a bit of a disappointment. I have eased back on posting these visions, as it is rather delicate now for if the story ever comes out in full then murderers in high places come out with it.

The aristocracy is very dangerous and not to be messed with. One day I was writing a quirky article about a certain obscure, upper-crust nob with sticky fingers (blood) and I left my desk to sit on the sofa for a few minutes break. While I was doing that my computer went into a calamitous meltdown for no apparent reason. My Diana article and all my word files were wiped out and even Microsoft Word and a few other software programs and a thousand old emails blipped off the screen never to be seen again. Brilliant eh?

The Dollar

The dollar is trying to go into a meltdown. But the Fed’s keep holding it up. It has fallen recently from 1.25 to the Euro to 1.33 and then it firmed up to 1.31. But late in the day on Christmas Eve the Fiscal Report of the US Government was cleverly published once traders had gone away for their holidays. In that report it says that the government’s current debt liability for all it debts is 53 trillion dollars ($53,000 billion), and that that level of debt is unsustainable and it can never be met or repaid. Essentially that report admits the government is bankrupt.

When a currency collapses the government concerned always passes exchange control regulation to make sure citizens don’t sell the rubbish and flee into other currencies. So for Americans to have a bit of money overseas out of the dollar in the Swiss francs or the Euro is good tactics. I’ve talked of this many times before so no point it discussing here again.

The Final Cusp

We are at the Final Cusp and history will say that 2007 was the year the world changed forever. We are in an Armageddon and while it may be a fight between Judeo-Christian psychopaths and Moslem ones in its outer manifestation; internally it is more the Armageddon of your soul. Will your silent darkness carry you to the digital hell worlds, or will you wake up and save yourself and go to the light?

Let’s pop over to the Last Chance saloon and have a drink and discuss it.

The dark is very sneaky and it can con you into thinking you are spiritual because you go to church, or because have a diaper on ya head and you do yoga at four a.m. But all that is a trick so you never see the dark inside you and uncover it. Your shadow is the CIA of your mind, it controls without you being aware of it. You have to work on it now or it will close around and never let you out.


Oil is the black blood of our humanity, the ego’s desire for itself and power and velocity, which of course is an illusion of importance and grandeur. Like the workaholic that is very important and very busy and off to discuss very important matters to do with promoting its specialness. Black blood blinds you; it is a form of liquid hate for Gaia.

So for humans to see properly once more, our black blood has be taken from the collective global body and cleaned. It’s the dialysis for our collective human soul. So you can see why the oil has to go. Sooner or later the Jews or the Americans will attack Iran that should be enough to close the spigot, but then again I predicted about six years ago that the House of Saud would collapse. At that time the ideas seems ridiculous but now you can see that if insurgents attack the House of Saud (as they will) and if they get hold of all the Saudi oil then anything could happen.

Once the oil goes the global ego dies and humans have to become real and they have to come off their ivory towers and work together to survive. It is like a New Age workshop on a global scale. Hugs and caring and sharing and love and stuff – might work.

The loss of the oil is beautiful and global warming will be cured overnight so that it is a good thing. I said some time ago, get rid of your SUV while you still can, for soon it will be just an expensive ornament, and the only oil you will see will be dripping out of the gearbox mixed with rust. The predicted oil crisis is more or less about now.

The Superior Force

All evil meets a greater evil up ahead and it fights it to the death. So Hitler fought the Americans and the Russians, who then became the super powers. The ‘superior force’ rule is not a matter of “if” but “when”. My guess is that we are just about to have a jolly interesting “when”.


Safety and a final redemption lay with the Three Graces, which are generosity, tenderness and respect. If you are genuinely warm and you have the graces in copious amounts in your heart and you love all humans and you respect Gaia, you don’t need to ask about safety, as you will always be safe. But if you don’t have those aspects then you have to proceed with caution, as there maybe a “when” up the road ahead of you, like on When-esday or perhaps Thursday.

I mention this in passing, as it’s very hard for the ego to comprehend that you may be the hidden evil the Forces of Light are trying to rub out. If you wake to that reality in time it quickens the mind and impels you to action (or not).

The Scattered Camelots

In the olden days, I spoke of the scattered Camelots, dimensional anomalies that were here one earth that humans could walk into. For a long time it was a feeling or sometimes the presence of an anomaly was indicated by a flash of violet light. But now I have started to see them for real, and I’ve seen humans walk in and disappear.

I am rather pleased about that, as for a long time I had to take it on trust and it could have all been a load of cobblers, but once I saw it three times in row, in three different countries, I knew it was right. There must be a host of aspects I don’t know yet, but essentially the scattered Camelots are real. We’ll need them later.

The Morph

The Morph has come down very strongly in recent weeks and there are small cubes in it that many of the Redeemer’s Club members have reported seeing, appearing in front of them. Those cubes are information downloads of some kind, and I believe they are there for you, whether you can see them or not. People have to go quick now as it is all upon us, the Great Unraveling as I call it, so that could be the reason for the suddenly appearance of the multi-colored digital cubes.

Humans have to morph up to another level…pronto. It is all here to help us understand and become better people, more gentle.

Bye for now,
Stuie Wilde

© Stuart Wilde 2006 – www.stuartwilde.com


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >