The Kogi’s Mirror World

(sent to “A” List October 5th , 2005)

Recently, I met a Colombian shaman who spent two years with the Kogi in the mountains of northern Colombia; they call the Mirror World, Aluna. Special Kogi children are selected at birth to spend their first nine years in a cave, training to become visionaries. The children live in the dark; they are not allowed to see the outside world and in this way they come to see the multi-dimensional Mirror World naturally. After nine years training the children exit the cave going out into the real world to become the future visionaries and spiritual leaders of the tribe who are called Mamas.

The Kogi people trace themselves back to the pre-Colombian Tyrona people who were contemporaries of the Inca. Like the Inca, the Kogi built stone stairs and platforms in the mountains that have not eroded in a thousand years. They are a mystical people with a power that no one else possesses, the power of a twenty-six dimensional world.

The Kogi used the power of Aluna to protect themselves from the Spanish Conquistadors that would have killed them for their gold. It is not in the nature of the Kogi to fight but watching the Aluna they knew where the Spanish were and so they kept moving around the mountains avoiding trouble. While all the other indigenous tribes fell to the pox of the white man’s diseases and violence, the Kogi survived.

The Kogi world is truly a 26-D Camelot hidden in a 3-D world. Their ideas are very pure and wonderful. In the tribe’s long history they have never had a homicide. They don’t usually allow outsiders to visit their mountain kingdom though a British filmmaker was invited to make a documentary on them about ten years ago.

The Colombian shaman I met showed some of us how to walk in and out of the Aluna using the Aya’ for a perception of it. It was amazing. I have been watching the Mirror World via the Morph for almost five years now but I didn’t know one could actually walk into it. When you are in it you disappear momentarily. Late one night I was watching a gringo astrologer smoke a cigarette by a fire in a garden. He had this Aluna thing worked out as he dematerialized four times. Three times he was gone for about a minute or so but on the last occasion he went for about ten minutes. I knew where he was on the lawn by watching his glowing cigarette floating mysteriously in mid-air. It was so much fun, it really played to the little boy in me.

The Aluna is the place of the Camelots that I have been promising you for a long time. I am happy now, as I know how the dream will come about. The violent war-like world of the gringo will perish and he will become terrified. In later years, he will seek the Aluna for an escape from himself but it will be too late, he will never find it. The Aluna knows you are coming years before you even get up out of your chair. She will call you if you have a warm heart and you are genuine about healing your shadow, but if you seek power and control, she’ll hide from you.

The more I see the Aluna, which I call the Mirror World, the less there is to say. Everything, including humans came from there in the first place. And that is where we will return. I am very content for this is the first time in twenty-two years of my journey that I can clearly see how we get to walk away to a happy place where peace is normal and where tomorrow’s celebratory banquet was yesterday. For time in the Aluna comes up from under your feet, sometimes it twist to face the other way.

And the violence and prolific consumption of the Fat Controllers will be delivered back to them in digital orbs that float in the air, easy to see but excruciating painful to experience. Then after a thousand years he and she will be released from their torment and they will be allowed to pollute the pristine nature of this world once more. We can’t kill the devil because humans spawn the devil and for some reason that I don’t properly understand the earth needs humans.

© Stuart Wilde 2005


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >