The Massive

I woke with a jolt one rainy night, a little fear crept over me. It was not a rational fear just one of those insipid fears that slither across ones soul from time-to-time to remind us that we are mortal. The bedside clock stood at 2.32 a.m. I wondered if that signified anything of importance. Everything seems important to me nowadays. I was in a jungle at the time, a grey frog with silly eyes watched me from the wall above my head. I don’t know the language of grey frogs and I don’t have time to learn. I didn’t come to be perfect.

As I sat on my bed slightly dazed from sleep, a full color video started to play in my mind’s eye. I watched a being that I could not see very well crossing a rocky piece of ground traveling in slow motion. I could see every stone and lump of dirt in the scene and here and there stood a few bushes, rather scrubbly bushes of little ecological value, I’d say.

I could feel that beyond the bushes was something nasty. It made me very nervous. I am always worried about stuff jumping me. It’s part of my Sicilian DNA or something liked that. My perception followed the invisible being who wasn’t moving very fast so I had to temper my nervousness and wait to discover what manner of evil lurked ahead. It seemed to take forever to round the vegetation that impeded my view.

Then I saw sitting on the ground, a black magician that I had met briefly the day before. He was all dressed in khaki clothes. He looked ridiculous pretending to be macho. I swear he thought he was CIA or some kind of BS that comes from the annuls of paranoia politics.

The invisible being that stalked the man turned out to a grey spider of deadly proportion. Things in the Mirror World can be very oversized. This character was at least as big as a human and many times stronger. I realized the spider was going to attack and eat the man on the ground. I thought to warn him and then I changed my mind. It didn’t seem right for me to interfere with a proper flow of events.

Anyway, later I relapsed a bit and so I told the black magician that he had only a few months to live and he shrugged and accepted his fate. It was good he didn’t struggle with his karma as it might have upset me, I tend to get sentimental even for the very rotten ones.

The video clicked off after five minutes, I was still a bit rattled so I had a slug of vodka to calm my nerves. Two nights later another full color video appeared and this time the invisible being was showing me how it could approach in slow motion through a forest without disturbing the leaves and braches of the thick vegetation. I was terribly impressed and I told it so.

There was a beautiful dog by my bed that had followed me around for forty days, it began to bark. It is very strange how a dog can see things in other worlds that humans can’t normally see.

Then I saw lots of other information.

There is a massive something on its way like the invisible spider. It will begin cleaning the earth on or after October 14th. I think it will eat Philadelphia and most of New Jersey. NJ has never been high on my list of nice places but Philly is truly lovely. Anyway maybe there is something evil lurking there that doesn’t meet the eye at first. Who knows?

I have no compassion for evil because I have enough on my plate transmuting my own evil. But our world is full of rotten people that spawn transdimensional devils that jump across to others and infect them. That is how evil spreads. And the human incubators for these devils have one extra heinous crime, which is the act of wandering around pretending to be normal and nice. The spider seems to know which are truly nice and which might offer a good lunch. I suggested Bin Laden, it didn’t seem to take my idea seriously. Barbara Streisand, Tom Jones, any chance?

It is all very strange and marvelous.

I have taken to wearing lavender perfume as I’ve been told spiders don’t like lavender. It might be a con I am not sure if spiders have noses, I rather think they don’t. Silly eh?

© Stuart Wilde 2005 –


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >