The Flu Pandemic

I wrote a book in 2001 called God’s Gladiators, which you might consider stealing from the library if you haven’t read it already. It’s a bit of a survival manual and it helps to understand things in a greater context. The gladiators are protectors and their time is now. You might need them and then again you might not, I can’t say exactly.

Anyway, in that book I mentioned a global flu pandemic for 2005, and the H5N1 avian flu crisis seems to be arriving more or less on time. As you probably know it’s a phony, the real pandemic will come in under the guise of an avian flu mutation. We will be told that avian flu has miraculously changed into the real McCoy, threatening humans. It’s a form of genetic engineering, they don’t want you and me and a few million others hanging around cluttering up the joint, anymore.

You have heard of global warming, well this is global cooling, billions of BTU of body heat will suddenly cease and we’ll all save on air conditioning, ozone holes and toxic methane floating into the upper atmosphere. As you probably also know the whole global warming scare is a crock. Methane from animals and humans causes global warming not cars. Of course, there are entire gaggles of climate scientists who know this but how can they tell the world we are killing the planet by farting. Of course, animals do the major farting damage but humans fart on average twelve times a day so that’s seventy-two billion farts added to god knows how many animal farts and all of that travels upwards into the stratosphere; farts in bed being an exception.

It’s the methane in the upper atmosphere that causes global warming, and so the New World Order decided some years ago that getting rid of humans en masse might help with long-term survival of the elite. As an idea it might work. There is an added benefit that I mentioned before, the more old people that die the less stress on the health care system and pension funds that are already broke will get a bit of respite as well.

A global pandemic manufactured in a laboratory is just what Dr. Josef Mengele would have ordered. It might work brilliantly. The problem is you and I may not be around to benefit from the devilish master plan. Still never mind. If all the ducks die I’m happy to go with them. I am very fond of ducks I like the way they dive into the water and disappear only to bob up elsewhere.

Sniff, sniff—quack, quack.

Love, love, and
heads down and bums up.

© Stuart Wilde 2005


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >