The Flying Pig
An American lady traveled a thousand miles to visit me, to tell me that at the end of time a pig will appear in the sky. And over a few days it will turn upside down. I’ve seen a lot of apparitions in the sky that are hidden in the Morph right now, but they will appear later, so her upside-down pig story didn’t seem so very strange. She is a businesswoman, not a New Age loop-fruit, so that made the pig thing more plausible.
A few days later she left, and the day after that I saw an image of a pig in the sky; it was about 150 yards wide and 50 yards high. It was a little turned over but not all the way. I couldn’t believe it.
Then recently I saw a vision of the same pig. It was tricking round like a clock. It stopped when it got to noon, and then it ticked on round.
Bloody weird but interesting.
© Stuart Wilde 2005 –