Earth Changes Revisited

I’ve never been keen on the ‘earth changes’ school of thought mainly because they have been predicting mayhem for forty years or more and nothing much has happened. But in the last few weeks, I’ve now changed my mind. Many people feel as I do that something big is about to happen.

People have seen a tidal wave hit Seattle so I went there to have a look. Often something big like that will show up in the etheric a long time before it hits. I couldn’t see it. Further, Seattle is well protected by an island in front and a bay that curves around the city. If a wave hits the city, it will have to be massive to get over the island and the bay.

But in the interconnectedness of all things, I’ve wondered if upsets in the Global Mind might cause turbulence in the geology of the planet and the weather. Everything is linked. Perhaps as we go nuts, the planet as an organism starts to spew with us. In the Mirror World, I recently heard of anomalies that are about to happen in the US, so maybe now the balance is changing.

There is nowhere to run as yet. Anyway, the trick is to be a good person and stay close to your intuition so you can move if you have to. Meanwhile, I saw another vision of Seattle yesterday. There were thousands of cars on the freeway that runs through downtown, bumper-to-bumper, all trying to leave the city. Strange eh? Then I saw a sign that said, “stockpile coastal homes.”

The descent of the Goddess that I have written about endlessly is of course accompanied by destruction, but she also brings the gifts of bliss and redemption. It’s her earth. She can change it anyway she wants. The idea that it is ‘our’ earth has always been nothing more than an illusion of the ego.

If you fear for the ecology of the planet, don’t worry, let the emotion go. Everything survives. Even the lost species survive, and there are new ones that will suddenly appear. They exist elsewhere and just walk in when allowed. There is one I have seen that is so beautiful; it looks similar to a donkey but slightly larger. It’s coat is fur-like and spotted like a leopard. I couldn’t believe how wonderful it is. I’d love to have an animal like that as my friend.

I don’t worry about the planet anymore. I know she has it all worked out. I can’t say if the humans survive in any great number but that doesn’t bother me. We’ve had our day. Now she will have her day. Fair, very fair.

Australia will become parched and dry as an old stick. She will burn to death in her indolence, racism and arrogance. They will try to tow icebergs for water to save her, to no avail.

© Stuart Wilde 2004 –


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >