
If you are very logical it is hard to believe in the illogical, but all logic breaks down eventually, space-time bends, particles appear and disappear, stuff you are logically sure will happen suddenly goes random and erratic.
My tactics is to believe everything, why Not? It costs you nothing to believe things but it does not mean I act on all the information I get.
When I first started talking about the walls going soapy in the Morph and the floor falling away and humans disappearing people must have thought me nuts but now I’ve shown it to over one thousand five hundred people that have come to my weekend gigs in Amsterdam and Las Vegas, they came to believe in the non-solid nature of reality and the human body. To know a human can dematerialize in front of you is hard to believe unless you have seen it. But it is true. I speak the truth.
But the technology of our perception is moving very fast, we know more than any metaphysicians that ever lived, if they knew the things we know they would have written about them and they did not. So you have to suspend your natural skepticism and go with the flow or you never learn anything new. (sw)
© 2012 — Stuart Wilde. — All rights reserved.