Matrix & the Rabbit Hole

Alice in Wonderland goes down the rabbit hole and meets this bloke (below) who happens to be sitting on a magic mushroom smoking dope. That tells ya something, essentially kids shouldn’t be reading these fairy stories—tee.

The bloke she meets is a sort of caterpillar-type, if he does enough dope he become a butterfly one day. Funny eh? A New Age traveller maybe?

In the Matrix film Neo touches the mirror, we’d say he entered the Mirror World and then he goes into replication and he dives down his own throat, we say that he was going within in trance, and he arrives in another dimension, ‘field-upon-fields’ Morpheus calls, the ‘hyperspace’ we call it.

It is all the same story. The Matrix is real. We see it sometimes as a green net over reality. Sometime the spaces in the net are diamond-shaped and sometimes oblong shapes as pictured here and often they are hexagonal.

How we see the Matrix

The Matrix is in the Aluna Mirror-World over us to make sure humans never escape from the control of the ghouls, they hang off it like monkeys on a net and they corrupt information coming in from the celestial.

On earth the Matrix is broad-based collusion between the Fat Controllers and the industrial-military machine to enslave workers via fear and rules and taxes and lay them ‘soft’ where they can be milked to sustain the status quo. The media helps to that end making it all sound reasonable and necessary.

You escape via the trance state so you can see in the inner-world beyond the Matrix where you will receive proper instructions from the celestial forces and you escape by being centered and disciplined and you move forward by holding to the attitude of “no fear, no anger.”

Love sets you free but only if you have processed the darkness in you first. (SW)


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >